*Chicago Collective is open to the Trade. Proof of credentials is required to attend.



The Chicago Collective is a to-the-trade-only Trade Show. To pre-register attendees must be an official buyer and comply with all credential requirements.

Please note: Chicago Collective does not allow sourcing agents, manufacturers, marketing agencies, factories, shipping companies, textile mills or consultants at the show. The show is not open to the public and show management reserves the right to refuse admission to anyone.

In an effort to provide a productive sales environment for exhibitors and buyers alike, we require each buyer to provide the following credentials:

  • Photo Identification

One of the following pieces of business identification:

  • Current Retail Business License

  • Store Commercial Lease

  • Current Tax ID #

One of the following pieces of employment identification:

  • Copy of Payroll Check/Stub

  • Personalized, Imprinted Business Card

  • Copy of W-2 Form

  • Company Credit Card With Employee and Store Name


Each registered buyer is allowed (1) guest. Valid store employees should be registered as buyers, not guests.

  • If you have received your badge and need to register a guest you will need to re-register and add a guest here. Guests from previous shows do not automatically roll over.

  • Guests can also be registered on-site.

Questions? Contact

returning buyers

Buyers that have attended the Chicago Collective in the past, DO NOT need to register again. Badges will be sent via email on June 26th, 2025.

  • Each Buyer is encourage to print their badge before arriving to the show.

  • If you have attended the show, and do not receive your badge on June 26th please contact us.

  • Guests that attend the show do NOT automatically receive guest badges.


If you have not attended Chicago Collective, you are considered a NEW Buyer. Please pre-register below.

  • Review the list of Buyer Credential Requirements above BEFORE registering for the Show.

  • Once approved by our team, badges will be sent via email and should be printed before arriving to the show.

  • If you have attended the show in the past, you do NOT need to register again. See instructions for RETURNING BUYERS.